Du punk rock mais pas que ….
- Dead Boys “Sonic Reducer”
- Beach Rats “Rat Beat”
- Sievehead “Invocation”
- End It “New Wage Slavery”
- Sonic Youth “Dirty Boots”
- The Bobby Lees “Dig Your Hips”
- Brutus “Liar”
- The Soft Moon “Him”
- Atari Teenage Riot “Revolution Action”
- Babyhead “Soundman”
- NRA “New Recovery”
- Metz feat Joe Talbot “Come On Down”
- Peter Pan Speedrock “Cock Teaser”
- Girls In Synthesis “The Images Agree”
- Raised Fist “City Of Gold”
- Negative Space “Untitled”
- Meat Wave “Ridiculous Car”
- No Man “Shots Fired”
- Pennywise “Bro Hymn”